Sunday, August 23, 2009

Competing again,,,,

This is Ben doing Peacock Pose. Wowee!
Gooo!!! Marcus!! You can do it!
This is Tara, the only one who is able to do standing splits. Can you see the others falling?
Woo hoo! Eleanor,Gloria, Clancy and Tara!!!
Group photo with the prize winners. Can you spot the judges?

Can you believe it? I got first place, AGAIN. So sad, right? I have to go to Los Angeles for competition,AGAIN, Missing school. AAAAAAAAA!!!! I want my brother and sister to come to Los Angeles with me, see my competition and hang out. Gloria, who is also competing again, won first place again too. I'm soooooo happy that Peter and Eleanor got second place!!! But I can't believe Marcus didn't get first place and that guy from true yoga got it! Unfair, people!!! How are these judges judging anyway?

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