Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is how much I love cats(Maybe a lot more than that)

This cushion-cat basket is a gift from my uncle who came back from Japan.
I bought this cat ruler at Pasar Mala near Lot 1 Shopping Mall, it's only a dollar!
My room decors!!!
I only had one photo frame..... :(
Cat headsets!!! Who cares if they're pink? They're cats!!!
This cat bag is like, 9 years old already!!!
My two adorable kittens from Myanmar!!! So cute!! One of them is abandoned and one is from a pet store which cost $10 only!!!

2 コメント:

FHIF said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! SO CUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mei Ling やくし said...

This is why i love cats!