Friday, December 18, 2009

Better not look back

Let me tell you something about my yoga classes for these 2 first days.

Day One: There's a new male teacher who instructed the class I took and he didn't keep his words. He said that the class is only 90 minutes (Count it yourself, it's burning hot in the room. You won't wanna know) and the class ended after 100 minutes!!! My arms, legs and body were aching all over! But not that bad lah, but he held the postures REALLY LONG. Even my coach couldn't take it, I think the boss, Diane too. The class was really loud. LOUD, YA' HEAR ME?

Day Two: New teacher again. Really loud again, but the good thing was that she DID keep her words. Breaktimes are perfect! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, THE BOSS HAS BEEN WATCHING ME FOR THESE TWO DAYS. I HAVE BEEN WARNED! Swollen abdomen muscles... Half-moon Pose's tough! I still got a swollen back, but GUESS WHAT? THAT ONE-MONTH THING'S BACK! T_T Cry. I want to drink beer... Just joking lah, I want to drink Root Beer... WHY CAN'T I? I know, don't tell.

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