Monday, November 16, 2009

2 movies: A comedy and a horror

I borrowed 2 DVDs a day before yesterday and loved the comedy one: Night in the Museum 2. I like the horror one too, Uninvited. Haha. I didn't scream at all while watching the movie but my 20+ year-old cousin did. Haha. It wasn't that scary, here's the story of the movie 'Uninvited':

The story revolves around Anna and Alex Ivers, teenage sisters, their father, Steven, and the father's partner, Rachel. Rachel was previously a nurse to the girls' fatally ill mother, Lilian, who died in a fire. The fire, and their mother's death, has caused Anna to have psychological problems and be admitted to a psychiatric ward after a suicide attempt. She has a number of dreams and visions, some of them about a red-haired girl who has died (in one dream she finds the body) and two boys. Other dreams relate to her mother, to other incidents that happened around the time of the fire, and to the fire itself, which she was very close to but cannot recall. She gradually remembers pieces of events, but not the whole story.She and Alex come to believe Rachel isn't who she says she is and is in fact a woman name Mildred Kemp. Mildred Kemp killed three children because she was obsessed with their father. She has a set of pearls similar to Rachel's which lead them to believe the women are one and the same.

Rachel carries Anna upstairs to her room and starts dressing her for bed, though Anna believes Rachel is trying to kill her and Alex. Anna manages to escape from Rachel and later on when she is outside, she sees Alex standing in the driveway, bloody and holding a knife. Alex told her that she had to do it and Anna opens the dumpster that has blood dripping out of it and sees Rachel in there, dead from stab wounds. Anna and Alex hug each other and Anna tells her that everything is going to be okay. Just then, their father drives up and sees them covered in blood. He asks what happened and Anna tells Alex to tell their father what happened.

Their father is confused and asks what she is talking about. Anna tells Alex again to tell their father what happened. Her father tells her that Alex is dead and that she died the previous year in the same fire that killed their mother. Alex screams at Anna to not listen to him. Anna looks down to where she was holding Alex's hand, but she is actually holding the knife. At that moment, it is revealed that it was Anna who had caused the death of her sister and mother, when she attempts to burn down their home after witnessing her father having sex with Rachel and it's the reason why their father didn't answer Alex about the letters was because he couldn't see her. It is also revealed that Matt was killed by Anna who let him drop off the cliff after he begged her to not let go of him after he confronted her about what happened the night of the fire. Alex has only been around as a figment of Anna's imagination and it was Anna who really murdered Rachel.

At the end of the film, Anna is arrested and taken back to the psychiatric ward. The police tell Steven that Rachel's name really was an alias. He tells them that she changed her name after leaving an abusive boyfriend. While at the psychiatric ward, another female patient that likes to hang around Anna and "tell her stories" stops by her door, and is shown holding the pearl necklace in her right hand. She says "Welcome home" to Anna, and closes her door shut, revealing her to be Mildred Kemp, as shown on her room door.

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