Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Cutest shop you can ever scream

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! I LOVE QUEEN OF DORKS!!!! I'm a big fan of RainCookie and Queen of Dorks. I wished that they were both great buddies!!! Sigh... Oh yah, remember the 3 rings that my sister bought me? They were bought from Queen of Dorks!!! KAWAII!!!!! Plus, Delphine, the Onigiri pillow which you really liked is from Queen of Dorks!!! Did you know that all her stuffs are handmade?? Imagine something cute like that made by hand!!! The sad part is that I don't have any money or credit card to buy them... Sigh...

Go to http://www.cute-plush.com/ or http://www.queenofdorks.com/ to see more designs and cute handmade stuffs!!! Oh yah, they even make T-shirts and hats!!! Really cute!!!

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