Thursday, November 12, 2009

What day is it today? Oh yah, it's Thursday.

Ohh.... Thanks for the reminder, Yuan Ying. Guess what,guys? I'm going with you to Omni Theater! LOL. TODAY IS MY LUCKIEST DAY OF THE WEEK. :) MY TEAM WON FIRST PLACE FOR RUGBY!!! At first, my team's spirit was totally down. Here's how I got their spirits up:

Genevieve: Alamak, all the teams so pro, we won't win that easily lor... We better aim for 4th place.

Me: Genevieve!!! Aim higher!!!

Genevieve: 3rd place?


Genevieve: 2nd place?


Genevieve: 1st place???!!! You are mad woman.

You see? BUT WE FINALLY GOT FIRST PLACE!!! ISN'T IT AMAZING? Well, the bad thing today is that I left my file in school. ARG! But it's only one, cheer up.

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