Wednesday, December 2, 2009

American and Singapore

Well, I really like the first episode of Singapore Idol, well, it's because some people sang their songs in a really funny sort-of way. Made me laugh like crazy. It's so obvious that American Idol standard is wayyyy higher than Singapore Idol standard. To the American Idol judges, the top 3 singers of Singapore Idol are not that good. They would eventually say things like 'You're not fit to be a singer' or 'Why are you participating this show? I don't think you deserve it' and many more cruel things. Once I watched American Idol tenth episode, well, they're still travelling around America to judge different states and also to see whether there were people who deserved to be in this show, I saw this girl from Chicago, she had a pretty face and she wrote over a hundred songs and made her very own album. The problem is that she didn't have a publisher and a person to sing it. The question is, was her voice fit for singing? Let the American Idol judges solve that.

As a result, no, she wasn't fit for singing. The judges rejected her. But to me, she's wayy better than the Singapore Idol contestants! How could they do that? Don't you think it's nice? But I guess there are more-deserved singers like Kelly Clarkson and Chris Cook.... What do you think about Adam Lambert? Here's a video of him. He's one of the top 2 singers in American Idol. Does he deserve it? Please judge!

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