Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Guess Starting A New Life Was A Good Idea After All

Sorry, sorry, sorry! Please accept my apologies for bluffing! I kind of will take back my words, so please forgive me *kneels down and kowtows*.

My first day of school was WEIRD and 20% BAD. My skirt was so damn long (Which I have difficulties walking in it), I arrived to school so damn early (THE SCHOOL WAS EMPTY) and when we did a group work activity together, I WAS THE ONLY ONE DOING THE TALK AND THE IDEA. I guess the making new friends part was kind of bad. I made friends with this girl, who is kind of identical to the Eliza in my Primary 6 class (except for her teeth, but everything else was about the same), but I still didn't know her name :( We talked, laughed and chatted. Esther and I were sticking together like really close friends, because we were from the same Primary School. The Sec one orientation group leaders were FREAKING AWESOME. I really really really love the game 'Spat', even though I always lose, the group leaders were the ones creating the fun. Most of the time we did on my first day of school was practicing cheers for the campfire which was going to be held on Thursday (6 Jan 2011). I am frustrated about the boundaries of wearing my uniform and PE attire because I have only ONE set each (Thanks to my idiotic father for not buying more), so I have to try not making it dirty, which sucks. I came back home, got over with my food poisoning, slammed myself on to the bed and switched on the television (I did all those things AFTER I showered, okay?).

Today was the second day in my school. We spent almost the WHOLE day in the hall, well, DANCING. We had a dancing competition after all the practice and I couldn't really get the jumping part. Surprisingly, my class won third place for the dancing competition (WOW). We also had an inter-class games and we had to choose which one of the four games that we wanted to play: Poison-ball (Dodge-ball), Volley-ball, Captain's Ball and Hand-ball. Firstly, I wanted to join Captain's ball because that's kind of the only game that I played and is good at, but Esther sabotaged me into playing Poison-ball which she wanted to TRY OUT SOMETHING NEW. Unfortunately, there were too many people who chose Poison-ball so some of us have to opt out which I was really willing to. In the end, Esther and I chose Hand-ball, 5 girls and 5 boys in our Hand-ball team. I was an attacker AND defender, and there was an Indian in my team that was really good. He was fast, good at catching and throwing, and strong too. When he threw to me a really far-distanced thrown ball, and it seemed like the ball was ON FIRE. Guess what? It landed right in MY FACE. My face was like ON FIRE. I could have died of internal bleeding but I still have to buck up and continue the game. We did pretty good, as in WE DIDN'T EVER LOSE. We had ALL DRAWS. 0-0 for all our games! At least it was A LOT better than losing. We had to rehearse for this so-called ceremony which is going to be held on Friday (7 Jan 2011). I am so frustrated at the school's Uniform Supplier as I was lining up SO FREAKING LONG, and the students were like, cutting my queue. When I finally attracted the lady's attention, she ran out of uniforms of my size. ARG!!!! I am not really looking forward to tomorrow's campfire, because they are going to be catering dinner to us. I am really wanting to skip THAT part out of my school life.

To all fellow Secondary 1 first-dayers: HAVE A HAPPY DAY TOMORROW! Good luck to me!
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.♡*´`*•.¸♡♥♡ღ♥✿✿*MeiLing*♡ღ♥✿✿♥ღ¸.•*´`*♡

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