Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ow... My eye...

Did you know what happened yesterday??? Here's the story, Mrs Lee asked us to take out our Systems Workbook, and she said if we have it in our locker, go get it. Well, almost the whole class crowded at the lockers. It was so crowded that I was squeezed and I can't breathe so I didn't manage to get my book until the crowd is gone. Remember the part where I told you Jemima lost her pad-lock and Ms Ho asked her to share it with someone? So she also waited for me to take her book out for her. When she started to grow impatient, she took her book out from my locker in some kind of manner(which I don't really think it's nice) and the corner of the book went into my eye. OUCH!!!! It hit directly into my pupil! Ow! It made my eye cry and the other eye didn't as I wasn't crying! Gosh! Why would I cry?! It's just that... It hurts so badly... Urg... I hate Wednesdays.... The boy sitting beside me asked whether DID I CRY and I said NO. I can't believe I got that one-month thing too! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Actually, I wanted to go to school the next day. But when my stomach started to hurt so badly that I can't run with my friends for the 1.6 km today... Sorry, guys... It really hurt than you can imagine... I started to think that some of my classmates might think that my eye which got poked got badly swollen that I have to go for an eye surgery.... Or maybe they might think that I got the symtoms of the H1N1... NO!!!! All I know is that 2 of my friends know that I could have that one-month thing.... Sigh... Ouch,ouch, ouch... My stomach hurts so badly that all the.... OMG. This is females' business, if you know me, you might know what I mean. So.... Buh-bye.

1 コメント:

FHIF said...

actually i thot u had the one month thing and I LOVE WEDNESDAYS! THEY ROCK! srry pal..