Monday, July 13, 2009

When was the last time you got drenched?

Army soldiers! What are the boys pointing at?

A helicopter! What's the interest?
Army boats coming!
Can you see what are the people taking a video of?
The story of the founder of Singapore.
Coming down!
The red lions! Can you see?
People with big black bags... Could it be a bomb?
It says,"Welcome Members of Parliment".
This is a snapshot of the video of the MP walking down the stairs.
This is Genevieve! She got a haircut and made a tattoo on her cheek! LOL.
I don't think this is interesting, though...
They actually play this kind of small screen just to cure your boredom.
A closer view of the cheerleaders.
Can you see that rainbow? It's so pretty!
Did you notice those people with colourful outfits? They're giving away free balloons!
So cute balloon! Do you know what it is?
This is me, smiling!
People there performing, maybe they're ants...
The students view of the NE show. So much red!
And pop out comes Yuan Ying, hidden somewhere in the previous picture.
This is Delphine, with her pink cap.
The sea view of the floating platform.
This is the eye of the NE show, a television, I believe.

Gosh. On 11th of July, Saturday night, it actually rained. A HEAVY rain, even the raincoat couldn't help. Arg! Elaf, who was sitting just diagonally in front of me, was enjoying it and shouted,"It's the best day of my life!!!". I love the funpack, but hate the burger(no offence, I really hate to eat this kind of meat). The bag was so cool! I actually wanted to use it to bring it to my yoga training, but it was too big. Let me brief you on the NE show by showing you the pictures above. There's actually more pictures to be shown, but something happened to my handphone, oh no... There's also videos,you know... I actually saw Mark Lee, live!

1 コメント:

FHIF said...

YEA, EXACTLY. I LUV THE SHOW HE STARRED IN 'MY CLASSMATE DAD'. i wish i could get his autograugh