Friday, July 3, 2009


I like the name 'Scorpio'. It's sooooo cool! Plus, my birthday is on the lucky 7! The Scorpio sign looks like an 'M'. My name starts with M! LOL. Scorpio rocks! Here are a few points of a Scorpio:

  • I'm determind.
  • A loyal friend.
  • Brave and clever.
  • Investigative and has a good memory(It's very true!!! I have very high logic!)
  • Protective and complex.
  • Resourceful and social.
LOL. I got these points from Yuan Ying's blog. You should go see it, you know!

3 コメント:

FHIF said...

muahahaha im imaginative and clever and ultra popular and creative and compassionate and caring and trusting and wise and multi talented. beat that! oh, and on my bad side, i added in proud n bossy. my comment is the example! haha

Mei Ling やくし said...

I don't believe that u r multi-talented because you hate piano(which means that u hate playing instrucments), you hate sports(which is impossible for u to be good in) and u totally forgotten how to fold origami(which is also art).

Mei Ling やくし said...

and I can't trust u because u told me nothing about what u did in school(so much for a friend!)