Saturday, March 20, 2010

Homework is a horrible thing to do

I can't believe it. I TOTALLY can't believe it. My parents dumped me at home and made me do 4 sets of practice papers before they come back home. THEY JUST DUMPED ME LIKE THAT. My mom went to yoga, which she ordered me to stay at home and do homework. My dad actually offered to bring me out to IMM, but my mom rejected it. I HAVE SPENT ALL DAY AND NIGHT DOING MY SCHOOL HOMEWORK AND THIS IS WHAT I GET? MORE HOMEWORK TO DO? My mom went to her yoga class, and she said AFTER class she would go SHOPPING. Well, both outings are hell because number one, I TOTALLY DISLIKE yoga, and number two, MY MOM STAYS IN ONE DRESS SHOP FOR HOURS AND COMES OUT EMPTY-HANDED. My dad just loves going out and buy stuff, so I asked him to get me good-qualified Origami paper (I seriously love Origami. I have a masterpiece you know! A paper pot holder:) ). This is so lame. The Math paper is SERIOUSLY tough which my brain almost cracked into pieces like how the nutcracker cracks nuts into pieces. Ouch, that's gotta hurt... Well, I went out once, to the nearby shopping centre and bought A BOOK TO READ. Ain't that great? Well, I bought A Diary Of A Wimpy Kid because I have been eyeing that book for days. I know Yuan Ying has it, but Hey! It's the school holidays! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY WAIT UNTIL IT ENDS???
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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