Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Number Three Origami Masterpiece

What's that? A flower? Pieces of colorful paper? A weird looking plate? WRONG! It's a pot holder! Which I mean it doesn't really HOLD pots by their handles but it HOLDS the pot at the bottom of it to prevent the heat from damaging the table. I took about half an hour to finish this as I have to do 10 steps with each 16 units of origami paper each. It felt like forever! But Ta~da! My magnificent Origami artwork! It's number three because number two is French Fries made with origami paper BY ME and the first one is a vase of flowers totally made of Origami paper BY ME. Cool, huh? This is why I luvvv Origami :) LMAO
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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