Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Trophy XD

Look at the glow!! It was edited~ Can't you notice the difference?
Junior, yeah right.

My friends kept egging me to bring my trophy to school but NO WAY. It broke before and I'm not gonna let it break again. NO DIVISION HERE, I'm not gonna let anyone DIVIDE it into halves again!! My trophy was SUPER heavy. It should have weighed like, 5 kg? But believe me, it was REALLY HEAVY. This is one of the reasons why I dropped my trophy. Sigh... The Malays are holding a wedding celebration again. I can't believe they converted Jason Mraz - I'm Yours into Malay version! Oh boy, tonight on Channel 5, they're gonna show Night At The Museum Movie!! Don't ask how come I haven't watched it and don't try to boast that you have watched it. Believe me, you won't wanna know what kind of parents I have, or would I want to know what kind of parents YOU have.
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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