Saturday, March 13, 2010

Uploading pictures....

Last picture from the yoga competition that I'm posting here. Maybe so or maybe not.
My mom really liked the cherry blossom trees there in America. Believe me, it's a real one.
So pretty, eh? You can never find one in Singapore.
Ignore the doofus head dude. I have no idea why I posted this picture.
My sister is wearing Lolita clothes to San Francisco!! Adorable, eh?
Taking picture... Mom's laughing...
Brrr... It's cool there. Look how my mom buried herself in the bundle of clothes.
Different or similar to Singapore? Can't tell or it's obvious?
Wearing the 'Alice and the pirates' Lolita skirt along with my sister's new blouse...
Ribbon! Adorable~
I don't think I look cute in this... Love the skirt!
Love the headband. Wait, it's a ribbon?
Jean style!
Followed by my sister~
Hi~ Sissy's good at making faces!
Wild ride!
The noble and the little one. Hmmmm...
Distracted by the Big one.
Poor big brother... He's bigger than me, alright.
Weird pause. Too weird.
Another weird pause. Just so weird.
Family time! My brother was trying to push my sister away from the camera.
Stop!!! Wild ride strikes again!
Cover him up!
Aaahh.... Peace!
People with short hair, please wear a hat! You might wanna look cute or regret it!
Curled my hair. Fits or NO WAY??

I finally uploaded my photos in San Jose with my siblings. Took quite a while, though. I really want to buy Yotsuba&! and Slam Dunk!!! These are the only two types of comic book that I'm aiming to buy. No way I'm buying Bleach or Naruto!!! Yotsuba Koiwai is soooo cute!! You'll shriek if you see her picture, Really loudly, I tell you, really loud. I really miss my brother and sister and I'm bundled up with homework and it's not comfortable AT ALL. Wanna try? I don't think you'll want to. Sigh... March Holidays are here, and it's back to yoga reality... I'm having an interview soon with the sport council this week soon.. Can't believe my own coach sabotaged me just like that and I'm even having the one-month thingy... I'm so happy that I'm sitting with a girl in my class. Just so so happy :) I'm also happy that Francesca liked her gift from LA. Hoped that everyone had a good day today! Thank you~
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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