Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long Time No Post!

My very first book of 'Diary Of Wimpy Kid' :)

Based on the title, I think you readers can get the fact. My life is crowded with homework. Did I mentioned that I have finished all my February homework? Well, guess what? There's MORE.

How can my mom do this to me? SHE BOUGHT LAST YEAR'S EXAM PAPERS WHICH MY SCHOOL DOES NOT ENCOURAGE OUR PARENTS TO BUY. She heard it, and she did it. This is practically insane. I guess everybody in this world can be really stubborn, including me, natch. Why the heck do I even care about that? Oh wait, it's MY homework. MINE. Now I have to do 15 chucks of exam papers during my weekends. I haven't even drawn a SINGLE drawing in 3 weeks! Except for smiley faces in my textbook. Even during class, my English teacher gave us homework to do for the day like crazy and gave us more in school. So while she was teaching, my partner & I decided to minimize the pile of worksheets that she has given us. That includes for the rest of the teachers except for Science. I guess Life can sometime stink and you don't clear up your mess... My mess is HOMEWORK. So let's clear them up! (LAME)
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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