Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do boys have guts? No,they don't!

Boys are timid. Why? Let me explain. Once when I was P3, there's this guy called Jia Jun and we have swimming lessons, don't we? So we have to go and take a shower. After I finished showering and was all ready, I waited for my friends at the place where we put our belongings and this is when he came out of the boys toilet half-naked(he didn't wear his shirt). Ew... He said that there was a COCKROACH in the toilet. I couldn't believe him!!! A COCKROACH? AAAAA!!! Some of them don't even dare to touch a knife, a real one like a pen knife or the knife which used to cut the vegetables. I dare. I even help my mom cut before. LOL. We, girls rock! Let's say the pledge!

We, the girls of singapore,

Pledged to ourselves to tell that we rock.

Whatever nation or race, language or people we are,

Together we will rock,

The world without boys.

LOL. I made up myself. Come on, girls! Let's rock the house!

2 コメント:

FHIF said...

u know jia jun also meh?

Mei Ling やくし said...

He's in my P3 class.