Thursday, April 2, 2009

Unluck the Thursday

Today was the most homework day of this week! Luckily my Chinese teacher didn't give us any homework. My English teacher gave us the I-Science:Powerhouse Chapter 2 practice and compo corrections. I have to do the I-Science:Test Chapter 1 too! My mathematics teacher gave us a worksheet. I done it in school already. Now I am doing science. Urg!!! Tomorrow's Friday! Homework,CCA,Yoga Class, yoga practice and go home late, about 9pm! AAAAAAAA!!! I got a demo on Saturday!!!! I almost forgot!!! I'm going to post the Demo Info on the school blog... My math teacher just posted some photos she took at the Cathay shopping centre entrance before we went in to watch the movie. Kind of blur though, but never mind!

1 コメント:

FHIF said...

what ever. YOU may hate fridays, but i hate thursday more.