Saturday, April 25, 2009

Too bored to scream

Sigh... The day after tomorrow is English Compo Exam and the following day after the day is CHINESE Compo Exam!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! And last night, my mom ordered a whole bunch of old exam papers and wants me to finish all of it on a year!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I just came back from that dumb yoga. I hate it.... AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I just love my Ipod Touch...

6 コメント:

FHIF said...

yeayea dun boast

Mei Ling やくし said...

I did not!!!

FHIF said...

did too

Mei Ling やくし said...

did not!!!

FHIF said...

did too!

Mei Ling やくし said...

Like real... Ok, ok... How about that I boast about having a very good friend like you? Happy?