Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a Girls' world(We just let boys live in it)

I SOOO HATE BOYS!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!! I going to invent something soon. It's called 'Boys Rebellion Spray'. When you spray this at a boy, the boy will eventually die(MUAHAHA). Today, I was so excited for Art lesson to start. Then, all this excitement meant nothing. I drew 2 pieces of artwork on Racial Harmony. Charles wanted one of them but I turned him down(YEAH!). I did something risky during the lesson and I didn't get caught(It wasn't my fault, Delphine started it!). Nothing interesting actually happened when Lee Yi whacked me hard a few times( AAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I'm gonna spray that 'Boys Rebellion Spray' at him!!!). Arg....

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