Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ooh La la!!!

My mom just gave me two Tom & Jerry red packets(with no money inside...) which she found in the tissue box(This is odd..). It was sooo cute!!! Anyway,Yuan Ying, change of plans. Wait for a YEAR!!! Just kidding, wait for a week. After I have installed it, I'll lend it to you. Happy? I really do not want to go to yoga class. AAAAAAA!!!! I can't believe my grandaunt. Her son(which is my uncle) got a fight in school in the boys toliet and my mom told her about it and you know what she said? She said,"Really? I don't know about it." What kind of mother is she? She is always relaxed and not worried about her two children at all and she doesn't even care a thing about them! Only her husband cares!! When her daughter was young, she had a blocked nose. Usually their mothers will help their daughters to blow their nose. But this one, refuses. So her husband helped her daughter blow her nose. When her husband was helping her daughter blow her nose, my grandaunt was like wanting to puke! I can't believe her!!! She has no brains,no speed,no ambitions and no...worries for her children!!! She's only good at sewing, but it will take a week for her to patch a hole in her pants!!! Arg!!!

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