Friday, April 24, 2009

To do nothing but scream

Today is a boring old day for me except when you have to study non-stop. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Today is the boys' Oral Exam. I still can't believe we, girls have to start first. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! My instincts tell me that it's a picture of a public bus. Maybe it's not true. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I just can't help screaming. Oh yeah, today my mom bought me 2 T-shirts, one red and the other is orange, and also bought me a 'Bikram Yoga' T-shirt for me to wear tomorrow. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I don't wanna go!!! Help!!!

1 コメント:

FHIF said...

2 bad lor