Monday, April 13, 2009

Santa Claus's daughter

See! All wrapped up by me!!!

Wrapping Paper No. 1

Wrapping Paper No. 2
Wrapping Paper No. 3

Don't tell her!!!
Gift No. 1

Hi! I'm Santa Claus's daughter! I give presents to people whose birthdays have past! LOL. I gave Yuan Ying lots of presents last year after I knew her and when I knew her birthday, I gave her lots of gifts. Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday party celebration day. I'll be giving her the best gifts I have ever given!!! Yeah!!! The wrapping paper is the cutest one I've ever seen. OMG!!! It is sooo cute!!! AAAAAAA!!!! My dad bought 3 kinds, I wrapped for her the cutest one. I'll be giving her 2 presents. I just wished she would be happy!!!

1 コメント:


HAHA! Thanks loads!