Saturday, April 11, 2009

Freaky Accident

Just now, after I came back from yoga training, I was helping my mom to carry the glass vase with flowers in it to the place where my mom usually prays. Halfway through, I slipped and the glass vase landed flat on the ground(It's made of glass, why didn't it break?). Ow!!! It was freaky... My grandaunt had the same accident as me and the glass vase also didn't break. Wow. Yuan Ying posted on her blog saying THE DAY is here. I made a song about THE DAY. Enjoy.

If you hate exams, slam your head.
(slams head twice)
If you hate exams,slam your head.
(slams head twice again)
If you really hate exams and you really want to die,
If you hate exams,slam your head.
(slams head twice AGAIN)

Ow.... My head.... It hurts....

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