Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today is Thursday. You know what that means? Yuan Ying's doom day, that's right. First of all, our P.E teacher wasn't here so another P.E teacher took over. We played Freeze and Melt and Yuan Ying & Delphine didn't play at all including a couple of girls. Can you believe it? There are fewer girls than boys in the class and those who didn't want to play were all girls!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! All the boys kept 'melting' and I couldn't freeze them all. Secondly, there was a FIRE DRILL. I couldn't hear the alarm as I heard screaming instead. That was awkward... My class was sandwiched between the P1s and the P3s. It was burning hot there, you know! Third, I still can't believe Mrs Lee used up all the time for Science instead of spelling. Well, it wasn't entirely her fault, it was the class' fault too as only 4 people voted for spelling while the rest voted for NO SPELLING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I gave Kevin the packet of gum which my uncle bought for me in Japan. Delphine secretly took one pack inside. LOL. Well, that's all and it's Sports' Day tomorrow. I can't believe I missed Shortput!!!! Arg!!!

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