Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's just too personal

Sigh... Last night, my mom felt sooo sick that she vomited a few times and my dad had to send her to the clinic late at night like about midnight. I was worried sick and the rest of the story is too personal for me to tell. Really, it is that personal. In the end, my mom had food-poisoning. When she came back with my dad, she bearly can walk. I almost wanted to cry. I felt so sad... I helped her do the housework in the morning and now she's taking a nap. Sigh... My sister drew the painting. Cool, right? Just kidding. She can draw just like that, even cooler. Even in her sick condition, my mom still stood up to do the cooking and the housework. She said that she had no choice as no one can take her place. Sigh....

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