Sunday, January 24, 2010

Latest Stuff

Sorry Del, my uncle just gave me the same notebook. He knows that I LOVE purple so he bought purple for me in Myanmar! And can you believe the price??? $2 only!!!
Kitty mirror from Cute Tink, definitely on my Bring-To-LA list!
My mom bought me 2 cat T-shirts! Well, I'm wearing one of them so I only managed to take one..

FHIF!!! TAKE THAT CAT PICTURE OFF YOUR BLOG!!! THE CAT PILLOW PICTURE IS TAKEN BY ME!!! YOU DID NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN GET REPORTED FOR STEALING OTHER PEOPLE'S PICTURE??? That's why my sister told me not to steal other people's pictures on the web so I'm trying to cut out my habit of that (Trust me, it's really hard). OMG!!! I HAVE TO GO YOGA FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS!!! I rather stay in camp for the rest of the week than go yoga!!! Just joking lah, yoga isn't that bad. I don't really feel like blogging anymore because of HOMEWORK HOMEWORK HOMEWORK. You heard me, right? HOMEWORK! I think I won't be able to survive anymore... My dad is just SOOO irritating! He goes 'Daddy loves you' AGAIN AND AGAIN and I feel like throwing a cushion at his FACE!
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

2 コメント:

FHIF said...

whups. forgot. I'll take it down now.

Ada said...

I want a yellow cat shirt :1