Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Very Own Desktop :)

Gosh, goodness, oh my! My dad finally bought me a desktop!!! Well, I didn't say anything in the first place. I was just following his way to the computer shop... I finally have a computer!!! Do you have any idea how much it is??? It's only $699!!! The usual price was $1055!!! That's a big bargain! Now I can download as many things I want (Especially Sims clothing and hairstyles, SOMEONE has been complaining how little stuff I have downloaded on my sims)!!! Darn it, I still have to go yoga... My mom can't follow me because of her wound which she got during her operation!! She said that she can't sweat a drop on that wound. I feel a sudden loneliness down my spine... Sorry for not showing you the REAL computer, that's 'cause I'm too lazy...
ご協力ありがとう。 Thank you for your cooperation.

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