Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Fannah Booka

Please watch 'The Office'! It's really funny!
This is the cute Pineapple Electronic Fan.
This is the coverless Electronic Fan( Which is still the same).
This is the ON electronic fan(totally the same).
3 comics book captured, 2 more to go.

I finally got back my pineapple Electronic Fan! I lent it to my grandaunt a couple of months ago. Now that I got my fan back, I don't need to worry about sweaty situations anymore. My dad bought it for me in Hong Kong. I also found 3 comics of Tom & Jerry. I just need to fing 2 more. I just found it when my mom rearranged the Master Bedroom and she placed it on the bed. I used to have it when I was Primary 3. Wow! That's 2 years already! I can't believe it! Today I was unable to come to school as the 'thing' came. The 'once-in-a-month thing' came. You females out there should get what I say. It's very painful,seriously. I'm so bored... I hate HOMEWORK!!! I guess I could go watch 'The Office' on Youtube. It's really funny. Just go to and click on the search bar and type ' The Office Season 5' and there you have it! Gotta watch it now!

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