Monday, March 16, 2009

MSN: The world's best messenger(To me)

MSN is the coolest messenger I have ever used. You can call each other, it even have a video call to see each other if you have a webcam! You can play games together like UNO, Tic Tac Toe or any multiplayer games. You can also invite your friends to join in the chat! You can watch videos together, see pictures together and more! You can even send files to each other like songs and musics! You can change the theme of the chatbox and even add your own MSN icons! Yahoo is the same as MSN but you can create your own avatar! I have both messengers. Never use Gmail. It has lots of burmese people inside and you can only call each other or send voicemails! It is so lame expect for the email part. You don't have to download Gtalk as there's one in your email already! MSN and Yahoo don't have that at all. I have all 3 emails and I am going to protect my pirvacy. No sharing your own Info in your blog! Really!

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