Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why so serious?

Why are you guys so serious like my mom? Another email was sent to me and was written:

There will be a rehearsal on 3rd April for the opening demo by Madeline. The location will be open for use from 3pm onwards. Let me check for the exact location, but it'll be at Suntec Convention Centre.The location is at Suntec Convention Hall 404.
Rehearsal? Aw man! Well, I think it is serious 'cause I'm doing it in front of the president of health! I really wish my mom won't be such a show-off like Alice. She 50% like Alce and 50% like the auntie with a mole in housewifes' holiday show. I can't believe it! Why so, um...like that? oh never mind.
No. 1 Mom Greatest Mom

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