Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Uncle is so dumb

I can't believe I have the dumbest uncle in Singapore!!! You know why he's so dumb? When my mum asked him to buy flowers, he came back with a broken one. When someone called him and asked,"Who are you?",he would say,"Yoohoo!". AAAA!!! He acted like a 4-year old kid!!! But I still got the best Aunt(which is his sister)... Haha. He don't even know how to communicate with others!!! When the reporter, Christina, called my old handphone number which is his now, she asked,"Is Madeline there?". You know what he said? He said,"No Magledine,". I felt like crying out loud!!! I don't even there to put his picture on my blog!!! AAAA!!!

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